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MiaRec supports a multi-language user interface.

To change a default language for all users, navigate to Administration > Customization > Language and click the Change link.


In the Language field, select the language based on your preferences.

Change Language

As a result, a new language will be used for all users as a default value.


It is also possible to specify a unique language for a tenant, group or individual user on a tenant/group/user profile page. For details on how to change the language on a user profile page, see User Guide

Translate MiaRec to other languages

MiaRec offers internationalization and localization of user interface. If you would like to edit an existing translation or create a translation for a new language, you can use POEdit application or any other application supporting gettext *.po file format.

First, you need to contact MiaRec team and ask for *.po file for your language.

Once you have the PO file, open it in the POEdit application and translate English phrases to your language. When finished, send the PO file back to the MiaRec team for inclusion in distributive.

You need to know a few formats, which are used in MiaRec to represent text:

  1. Text within ${ } brackets should be kept AS IS (not translated). These are placeholders, which will be replaced with appropriate values when displayed in UI. For example, the text User ${name} may be displayed in UI as User David.


  2. Text starring with # (hash) symbol has a special meaning. It doesn't need to be translated word-by-word. It is used to distinguish words, which have the same writing, but different meanings. For example, the word "from" may be used together with date value or as the label for "caller party". In the PO file, you will find "# From [date]" and "# From [party]", which are both displayed in English as "From", but in other languages, it may require different translations, for example, in Spanish, they are translated to "desde" and "Llamador" correspondingly. Pay attention to the notes in the right bottom corner of the POEdit application.
