Add Tenant
To add a new tenant, navigate to Administration > User Management > Tenants and click Add.
General settings
On the Add Tenant page, fill in the following tenant details:
- Name - Give tenant a unique name.
- Timezone - A default timezone setting for all users within this tenant. This value is used for displaying date/time values to users. If not specified, then a system default timezone is used.
The timezone setting may be overriden on a group and/or user level. Here is a priority used by MiaRec to choose which value to choose (System > Tenant > Group > User).
- Language - A default UI language for all users within this tenant. If not specified, then a system default language is used. Note, the language setting may be overriden on user level. Here is a priority used by MiaRec to choose which value to choose (System > Tenant > User).
- Domain name - Specify the sign-in page that users under this tenant can use to access a branding web portal. A unique domain name should be specified without http:// and port parts. To apply a company brading to MiaRec web portal, you also need to configure a custom CCS layout by navigating to Administration > Customization > Branding > Custom CSS Styling.
- Audio files encryption - If selected, then audio files for this tenant will be encrypted using the tenant's unique public key. This setting will be applied to new calls only. An encryption key must be configured as well.
Storage Limits
Under the Storage Limits section, you can limit the amount of storage consumed and set up other quotas for a given tenant.
You can define the following audio/screen storage limits and quotas:
- Maximum size of storage space used (in GB).
- Maximum duration of all call recordings (in minutes).
- Maximum retention period for a given tenent (in days).
- The storage space optimization comes into effect when any limit/quota from the above is reached.
- Leaving the threshold values empty will set no storage limits.
License Limits
Under the License Limits section, you can configure the license-related settings.
For any individual license type, it is possible to explicitly pre-allocate a particular number of licenses to tenant (starting from 0). Or set to null
to use a dynamic license allocation, when a tenant is being allocated as many licenses are it has users requiring such a license. The licenses are allocated from a global license pool.
Associate Calls With Tenant
This section lists the settings that will allow associate the calls to this tenant based on user's extension.
- Extension is - This setting defines the format of user's extenstion.
Extension uniqueness - This setting specifies if the extensions within tenant should be system-wide unique or not. Supported values:
- System wide - Extensions have to be unique system-wide.
- Within tenant only - Extensions have to be unique within a tenant account only. This means that the same extension may appear in multiple tenants.
Associate calls with tenant if they match to - This setting specifies how to distinguish call recordings of one tenant from another. Such setting is especially useful when different tenant may have ovelapping extensions. Supported values:
- Extension of tenant users - Associate calls with the tenant if they match to user's extension.
- Broadworks Service Provider + Groups - Associate calls with the tenant if they match to particular Broadworks Service Provider ID and Group ID.
- MetaSwitch System + Group - Associate calls with the tenant if they match to particular Metaswitch System Name and Group Name.
- Cisco Partition - Associate calls with the tenant if they match to particular Cisco Partition.
- SIP URI host part - Associate calls with the tenant if SIP URI host part matches to particular value.
- Advanced Condition - Associate calls with the tenant if they match to a custom condition.
Advanced condition - Recording filter condition. The format of this field is described here, but in 99% you can do the following: login to MiaRec web-portal and create a reference tenant account with paricular values. When you save it, the condition field will be populated automatically.
Record unknown users - This setting specifies a default rule for call recordings, which match to this tenant, but do not match to any of pre-configured users. Supported values:
- Record - Record such calls and store them within a tenant account. Tenant administrators may access these recordings on the "Recordings > Unassigned calls" page. Such recordings may be associated to users at later time.
- Do not record - Ignore such calls.
User Auto Provisioning
This section allows you to configure the auto-provisioning settings.
When the call for unknown user is detected and auto-provisioning is enabled, then MiaRec creates automatically a new user account inside the specified group.
- User auto provisioning - Specifies if user auto-provisioning is enabled for this tenant. Note, auto-provisioning is activated only when the Record unknown users setting is set to Record.
- Group - The group, inside which an auto-provisioned user account will be created.
- Role - The role, which will be assigned to newly created users.
- Recording setting - Recording rule for a newly created user. Supported values:
- Always - Always record calls of this user.
- On-demand - The user may swich on/off recording during a call.
- Web portal access - This setting specifies whether a newly created user has rights to login to MiaRec web portal.
- Extension-to-login translation pattern - The REGEX pattern for mapping the user's login to user's extension. For details, see Rewriting caller-ids by using REGEX rules.
- Extension-to-login translation rule - The translation rule identificator for mapping the user's login to user's extension. For details, see Rewriting caller-ids by using REGEX rules.
- Authentication type - Specifies the authentication type for a newly created user.
- Provisioned licenses - This setting specified which licenses are allocated to a newly created user.
Screen Recording
This section lists the screen recording-related settings for users under this tenant:
- Screen recording - If selected, the user can perform screen captures during a call.
- Screen recording token - Select this check box to generate a new token, which will be used during installation of the Screen Recording Client application.
Audio Settings
This section lists the audio settings for call recordings associated with this tenant:
- File format - Defines the file format.
- Audio format - Defines the audio format.
- Use AGC - Enables the AGC filter. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Filter automatically normalizes volume levels between two audio channels.
- Use PLC - Enables the PLC filter. PLC filter improves audio quality when there is a slight packet loss (less than 5%).