Add New Role
To create a new role:
Navigate to Administration > User Management > Roles and click Add Role.
Provide a new role with a distinctive name.
In the Access scope field, specify which resources are accessible by the user of such role. The following options are available:
- Unrestricted - The user with such a role has unrestricted access to the system.
- System - The user with such a role has access to all resources on the system (users, groups, calls), except the operations, which are restricted by permissions.
- Selected Groups - The user with such a role has access only to the resources within the selected groups. A list of selected groups is configured in the user's profile. The group manager may see only users and their calls, for which he/she is a manager. Other users/calls are not visible to the group manager.
- User - The user with such a role has access only to his/her call recordings.
Access Restrictions
Optionally, in the Access Restrictions section, you can determine the client machines that are allowed to access the given role by specifying a list of IP addresses that have access, and a list of addresses that are denied access.
Addresses can include wildcard characters so that all addresses within a certain class of address will be restricted. For example, denying access to address 123.45.6. denies access to all addresses for that subnet. Similarly, denying access to address 123.45. denies access to all subnets for that address.
To restrict access to a role by IP address, complete the following steps:
- Select the IP address restictions check box.
In the IP address/network field, enter the IP address range that you want/do not want to restrict access for that role.
Save your changes.
You can define multiple rules in your configuration. The rules are applied from top to bottom, and the first rule that matches the traffic overrides all the other rules below. If none of the rules matches the traffic, the Default access rule is applied.
Configure Permissions
The permissions settings define what operations are permitted on the accessible resources. These operations include view, edit, delete, playback etc.
Check these permissions and save your changes, if any.