Manage Users
Search users
Navigate to Administration > Users Management > Users to see a list of existing users.
Using the Quick Search panel, you can search users by user name, group name, login, role or extension.
By clicking the Advanced Search tab, you can perform a complex search when you need to be more precise and get specific results. For example, you can search for the users associated with a certain group with a specific status.
View/edit user details
Clicking the user's name in the list will navigate to the page with user details.
To edit the user's account, click the Edit button next to the user you wish to modify.
To learn more about configuring user account properties, see Add New User.
Edit multiple users
To change account properties for multiple users, select two or more users you wish to modify and click Bult Edit.
Make the desired changes and click Save to apply new properties on all selected users.
Deactivate/delete user
To deactivate the user account, navigate to the Edit User page and clear the Status check box.
To delete the user account, select the user from the list you wish to delete and click Delete User.
When the user is deactivated, he/she is not able to access the web portal and the recording settings of such a user are ignored. However, the user profile still exists in the system. The previously recorded calls of the deactivated users are still associated with the deactivated users. Managers can perform a search of recordings associated with the deactivated user.
Do calls recorded after the user is deactivated?
It depends. When a recording platform receives a call from a deactivated user, such a call will be treated as a call belonging to an unknown user, and a default recording rule will be applied to this call.
Impersonate user
This feature allows an administrator to quickly log in as a particular user, for example, to check if role permissions are configured properly.
To use this feature, click the Impersonate button on the user's profile page.
To exit the impersonate mode, click the user's name in the top right-hand corner and then select Exit user impersonation.
You will be logged back in as an administrator.